
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Emotimugs in progress!

Here's a few of the mugs I've made this semester! I'm not sure if you can possibly know the relief I have that the wet clay deadline has passed. For the university that I'm in, it basically means that all projects (ALL OF THEM) must be completed (DONE FINISHED FINITO) by this day so that it has enough time to go through the kilns. It's a high pressure situation, ya'll. It feels like my semester is already over!

I was able to make a about a dozen extra emotimugs, which are all thrown on the pottery wheel, trimmed, hand sculpted faces, and pulled handles (not seen because they're on the opposite side of the cups). The majority of them have gone through the kiln by now and are waiting to be glazed pretty colors. I know a few people saw my original set of five so I'm hoping they'll be popular at the pottery sale. Whatever doesn't sell will surely be up on my etsy; saving up for NCECA :)