

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring my blog! My blog is small but growing, and every little bit helps. I have set wonderfully affordable prices for a spot on my little blog here. I average 80 - 100+ views a day.

I'm offering the bulbasaur ad for free! cool right? I was once a young blogger, lost amongst the abyss, trying to gain some followers. This is my little gift to you.

any questions, feel free to contact me at:

averenee [at] gmail [dot] com

In case you don't speak pokémon...Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur = small, medium, and Large.

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I really appreciate all the comments you lovelies leave for me. I read each and every one of them and every time I get a new comment it really makes my day <3 Thank you so much!