
Monday, April 23, 2012

Reuse Those Glass bottles for Your Tea! - Quick DIY

'Tis the season for cool refreshing drinks! My personal favorite is Iced Tea. It can get expensive really quick buying cans or even gallons of Arizona or Honest Tea, but tea bags? Not so much. When I do buy bottled tea, I try to stick with glass bottles so I can reuse them with my own tea!

You will need....

  • Glass bottles (Honest, Tazo, and Snapple use glass instead of plastic in most cases)
  • Your favorite tea
  • Your favorite tea fixins
  1. Drink the tea you bought at your leisure. sip, ahhhhhh. Remove label from the bottle and wash it out. I find a paste made from baking soda helps remove the sticky goo left behind by the label. 
  2. Use the bottle to measure out how much water you want to boil for your tea. In this case I had two bottles to fill, so I used the bottle to transfer water from sink to pot (twice). Then add about half a bottle more since some water will evaporate.
  3. Use twice as many tea bags as you would for hot tea. I decided to go for pomegranate green tea today.
  4. When your tea has steeped for the appropriate amount of time, stir in your fixins while it's still hot  so things like sugar have a chance to melt into the drink rather than sink to the bottom. I used three teaspoons for this batch.
  5. You can wait for the tea to cool down if you'd like, but I usually just pour it right in at this point.
  6. Chill in the fridge for a few hours, and enjoy whenever you like!
I find this particularly great for getting ready for school. I make a batch of 5 or 6 bottles sunday night and it's ready to grab and go throughout the week since I'm always on the move. Let me know if you try this out! And what are some of your favorite teas?

-Avé Renée


  1. wow this is great I will have to try it!!!
    such a great idea when you are on the go!
    I found your follow button,yeaaah I am your first fan!...welcome to the blogging world!

  2. Yay for first fan!! You have officially made my day. I so glad you like my posts! ^_^


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