
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tune In Tuesday: Gut The Van Tour Live by Dispatch

  • Genre: Jam Rock 
  • Released: 2001
  • First Listen: December 2008
  • Favorite Track: Open Up
  • Found Out Through: My big brother
  • Listen to this when you're: Relaxing on the beach.

Summer is almost here! You'll want to have this album for the season. The combination of the voices of these three lovely gents is something I just cannot resist. They have that rugged, slight rasp in their voices that girls (or at least I do) fall for in a heart beat. I have a soft spot for harmonies and they go hard. In addition to singing, they play harmonica, bongos, guitars, and a bunch of other instruments.

I chose the live version over the studio because you can feel their love for performing. Some bands are meant for the studio, and some are just better on stage. I'm so excited to see that they're coming out with a new album and a tour (you can bet I'll be at the NY and/or MA show!) Their sound is funk, reggae, jam rock. It's just so much fun.

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