
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tune in Tuesday: Settle Down EP by Kimbra

Genre: Electropop
Released: October 2011
First Listen: December 2011
Favorite Track: Limbo
Found Out Through: Free music video download via iTunes
Listen to this when you're: Cleaning

Kimbra is a breath of fresh air. Unique, alluring, and talented. I'm a sucker for harmonies and her tracks are riddled with them. You can hear influences from jazz, R&B and even some indie. Some tracks like "Settle Down" and "Limbo" I just can't help but to groove to.

Every now and then I go through iTunes free downloads and download whatever they have to offer. I mean come on, it's free! Kimbra was by far the best free download I've gotten so far. I immediately purchased the EP, craving more. She's New Zealand born and raised; her album Vows is the first to hit the US; comes out today, I'm pretty sure!

*note: Tune in Tuesdays is a new segment for me to gush about the music I love. and I love ALOT of music. hope you enjoy!*


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