
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Busy Busy Bee, this summer!

I can't believe june is almost over! I've been keeping myself busy trying to build up my etsy and and working towards maybe showing in some craft fairs. Not to mention working full time and starting p90x. I have so many ideas for this blog; never ending todo list! I cant wait to get some of the posts I have in mind published.

I'm shapin' up all the areas of my life, and it feels good! here's photos of some of the crafty things I've been up to:
starting a watercolor series on fruit

hopefully I can order prints soon

splurged on some lace...
...and some necessary supplies

made this awesome camera strap cover for my photography major friend for graduation :O)

made some new banners for my tumblrs
made lots of button pins
and watched moose try to fight the lawn mower.

I think this is going to be a great summer :)


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