
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

OOTD: Colonial Cook Out

This outfit was too cute NOT to share! I love this dress! Although I'll have to admit somewhere between when I bought it a month ago and now, my boobs got bigger. Thus, the dreaded button gap >_<; but a nice cami can solve that issue. This dress has lovely lace details that remind me a bit of the colonial times; perfect for the holiday! I think this outfit could work for non-patriotic days, too.

D E T A I L S :

  • dress - H&M
  • cami - ?
  • belt - Goodwill
  • leggings - Target
  • shoes - Payless
  • necklace - Kohl's
  • earrings - Claire's
  • bracelet - Gift from Zack when we went to Hawai'i
M A K E U P :
  • Revlon foundation
  • Naked palette - virgin, buck
  • Sephora liquid eyeliner
  • Revlon lipstick - abstract orange (026)

I wore contacts so I could wear sunglasses (also I haven't worn them in over a year :O) The leggings certainly helped prevent the bug bites, even though I got a couple around my ankles. I wore this outfit to church and then to a 4th of July cook out this past sunday. I have one more today and then another one tomorrow! Today is my city's fireworks, so I'm looking forward to that.

Happy 4th!


  1. This dress is tooo cute! And I love your personality..and your're cute! haha I can tell I'm gonna like this blog so forgive me as I click through every post :3 lol

    1. thanks! ^_^ I enjoy your blog too! AND you like adventure time. and awkward gifs. and radiohead. and your hair is really pretty. and your fashion sense is rad. too many ands? nah :P

  2. I like you dress so so much.. Expecially lace details.. Also your make up is so pretty..
    Happy Birthday America..:))
    All best wishes..

    1. Thanks a bunch! and I'm sure america thanks you too for the birthday wish! lol :D

  3. Love the outfit. I was thinking about looking for a few tops to wear in that style with the leggings. New GFC, twitter, and Fbook follower from blogaholic. Donna

    1. Thanks so much! I'll have to admit I'm a huge fan of leggings :X


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