
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tune in Tuesday: A-1's After School Special

image via. also, listen to the album here!

  • Genre: hip hop, rap
  • Favorite track: "All That!"
  • First Listen: January 2011
  • Released: September 2010
  • Found out through: The Needle Drop
  • Listen to this while you're: reminiscing the 90's
A-1's After School Special IS my childhood. The mix tape opens with him telling his mom how "sick" he is and she lets him stay home; of course what he really wanted was hours of quality channel flicking. The album takes you through  the 90's as he samples some of the most popular shows (and commercials) of the time. Literally every track got me buggin' out over the awesomeness that was 90's television. Not only does he sample All that, Pokemon, Power Rangers, The Price is Right, and Golden Girls, his rhymes are sick. The Needle Drop calls it a nostalgic mind fffff....and he's basically right.

My favorite track on this mix tape is "All That!" because I relate to it so much. It's basically about growing up and appreciating your childhood while you're in it, because adulthood isn't what you expect when you're a kid. Although, my favorite lyric comes from "Charizard"

~ Still tryin' to fit all of my dreams in a pokéball ~


P.S. A-1 might still have this mix tape up for free download :)

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