
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What's in my bag? // College Commuter Edition

School starts today for me and I CANNOT wait! I'm a commuter so more thought has to go into what I bring in my bag every day. Some days I'll be on campus from 8AM to 11PM, so it's worth the extra planning. This year I'm pretty sure I'm considered a senior credit wise, but still one more year after this one to get both of the degrees I want. This semester I have three regular classes and two studios: Media Research, Art History of Eastern Asia, Chinese III, Ceramic Sculpture II, and Drawing I.

So here's what's going in my bag for the first day of class:

  • A notebook and folder for each of my regular classes
  • Chinese III textbook (used it last semester for Chinese II)
  • Molskine Agenda also from last year
  • The Lovely Bones to read between classes since there's never work on the 1st day
  • Chapstick and back up chapstick since I'll probably lose one
  • Scented hand sanitizer
  • Deodorant for those long days
  • student ID of course!
  • Business cards
  • Lots of pens; Especially clicky ones.
  • Highlighters and pencils too 
  • a gluestick....never know :P
  • make up bag - eye drops, microfiber cloth, bobby pins, little clips, concealer, eyeshadow, bandaids, makeup brush, mascara, eyeliner, travel size parfume, and feminine products.

I also pimped out my bag with pins and floral fabric. I used to be really big into collecting them when I was in high school but places that I frequent for pins have been slacking in quality over the years. The majority of these are from either a radiohead set I got at the concert I went to in 2008 or from a Keith Haring set I got from the Brooklyn Museum a few months ago. The fabric is the scrap from that thrifted jacket that I said I was going to hem. Right now the pins are holding it there to cover up a star I'm not crazy about; but I might sew it permanently in addition to a couple other patches.

Of course, this post excludes the amount of food and beverages I'll be bringing in a separate lunch pouch. Oh, and all the supplies for the two studio classes.I'm glad I have a locker!

Did I miss anything? I'm I over prepared? What's in your school bag?

I hope everyone has a great first day of class!


I really appreciate all the comments you lovelies leave for me. I read each and every one of them and every time I get a new comment it really makes my day <3 Thank you so much!