
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Alt Groove Recap: 9.26.12

T O P I C S :

  • EASTER ISLAND HEADS HAVE BODIES. Seriously, how did we not know this? or am I the only one?
  • Rosa Parks did more than just sit! I think we all knew this, but I don't think we all knew just how much she did for the civil rights movement. Daniel McGuire wrote a fascinating book that I can't wait to read titled At the Dark End of the Street. She was actually a detective figure for rape cases :O
  • The first male to attend a famous nanny college.
  • Buy a ring for $2,499, get a free rifle.
  • There's a cat named Skinny whose 41 lbs and up for adoption in Texas
E V E N T S :
  • Stay in the Dark: Art show at SCSU in Earl Hall, October 8th through the 12th
  • Post-it Show: Art show at SCSU in Earl Hall, October 15th through the 19th
  • Durham Fair! September 27th through the 30th; my first time, can't wait!
  • Lorraine Warren talkin' 'bout GHOSTS October 24th, 8pm at Lyman
  • Vintage Steel: Show up at Fair Haven Furniture till January 11th
M U S I C :



  1. I immediately had to go check out the book. It's now on my wishlist to buy whenever I get the money. Thanks for sharing!

    1. no problem! I hope the have an ebook version! I think I'll have to wait till winter break to read it though :/

  2. HOW DID I NOT KNOW ANY OF THAT ABOUT EASTER ISLAND?! I feel like I have been deprived of Great Knowledge my whole life.

    And the Rosa Parks book sounds really interesting!

    I'm assuming SCSU must mean something other than St Cloud State University? that's the university I went to in Minnesota. ;)

    1. Whatta cawinkiedink! SCSU for me is Southern CT State University, haha :)

      AND OMG RIGHT? The Easter Island thing still boggles my mind O__________________O


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