
Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 Resolutions!

I stink at new year's resolutions! I think it's because it's usually a list of things that I know I should be doing rather than things I want to do. Also, followthrough isn't my strongest feature, I'll admit. This blog has certainly helped with that though! Something about having it in writing really helps. By the end of 2013, I hope to look back on this list having done most if not all of the items. Lets get to it:

  • Be in more craft shows - I've accomplished my goal of being in two craft shows by 2012, so for 2013 I'm thinking at least 3 or 4. 
  • Eat less processed food - I'd be kidding myself if I think I could cut it out completely, but I'm pretty sure heavily processed food isn't so great for me. There's two books I heard about through  Faith Middleton's Food Schmooze on NPR: The Science of Skinny and Buy the Butter Make the Bread. I've already been heading in this direction but I want to make it a conscious effort. (and get these books, too!)
  • Fix my sleep schedule - I sleep way too much. When I was taking better care of myself (i.e. working out, eating better) It was so much easier to wake up at a decent time. Once I dropped those habits I started staying up till 2 and waking up as late as possible and I just feel awful. I'm also late for things like work and school. yikes!
  • Wear makeup more often - when I fix my sleep schedule I'll be able to have time for this! I love wearing it and I have more than enough to use up. 
  • Do yoga - I love yoga and I wish I had enough money to go to classes, but I don't. I've been going to free classes provided by my other school, but the school I'm at now has no such thing :(. Now that I have my own space I think I can find a way to do it alone comfortably. 
  • Find a wedding venue - It's been a year of engagement with not a single thing planned for a wedding. We're not in a rush, but before I can plan anything else I feel like I need to find the venue.
These six are the gems I know I can and want to commit to. If I can keep these ones too, it'd be like a little added bonus. woop woop!
  • Post here at least twice a week consistently. 
  • build a professional website for my art.
  • Come up with a series/ theme for my senior show.
  • Vlog more often.
  • Use the treadmill.
  • Finish the hat I started.
  • Walk Moose more often.
  • Go hiking at least twice.
  • be more active in the blogging networks and etsy
That's it for me! I think 2013 is going to be a good year.  I wish you all a happy and healthy new year! I hope 2013 brings you many blessings. 

TTFN! <3
- Avé


  1. Have just joined the blog hop so I am saying hello! Have a nice day!

  2. I love resolution posts. It's usually hard for me too, to really commit to them but I'm totally going to try.

  3. Happy New Year! Hope you have success with your resolutions, glad to have found you via the blog hop! :)

  4. I'ma actually surprised you don't enjoy coming up with New Year's resolutions, because your list is really good. There's no vague stuff, like "lose weight, blog more." You have specific goals for things that are important to you and that's the way to go. Speaking of which, I've yet to write down mine and writing those goals somehow seems to make the difference. I definitely believe in resolutions so good luck with yours.

    Found you through the blog hop btw.

  5. Love your secondary list lol! Happy to be a new follower from the hop!

  6. Hey I hope you meet all your goals and have a lovely wedding whenever you do :D Happy 2012!!

  7. These are such great resolutions, I've definitely found that blogging has made me more accountable when it comes to resolutions too. I kind of wish I had put fixing my sleep schedule on mine too, I'm terrible for staying up too late and then having no time in the morning xo

  8. awesome!! i hope you complete all your goals for 2013 :) xx

  9. Ooh, eating less processed food is a good one. My goal is just to be healthy but I like that yours is specific, that's a good idea I think I'll borrow, hehe. Good luck on all your resolutions! A sure way to completing them is daily baby steps :) Blog hopping!

  10. Hi from the blog hop! I can totally relate to wanting to eat less processed foods. I also felt so great when I did yoga on a daily basis! I wish I had more time for it. I think that when I graduate from college, I'll take a yoga class 1-3 times a week.


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