
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Versatile Blogger Award!

Hey hi hello! Earlier this semester I was nominated by Sue from Chevron & Lace for the versatile blogger award! This is my first time getting an award and I'm so very grateful. Thanks so much Sue! She's a wonderful seamstress specializing in crib sets, so if there's any new mamas out there I highly suggest you check out her etsy!

So here's the rules...

1. Nominate up to 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging.
2. Let the nominated bloggers know that they have been nominated for this award.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4. Thank the blogger who has nominated you.
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your post.

Seven Random Facts about myself

1. I just got my first pedicure yesterday and have yet to get a manicure.
2. I really don't enjoy drawing. Not the best thing for an art major
3. My favorite pizza is spinach pizza!
4. I'm very much left handed.
5. The only thing that ever plays in my car is NPR and I love it.
6. I prefer Coke over Pepsi but I don't drink soda often.
7. I'm not the greatest at conversation; especially via texting.

And the Nominees! *drumroll*

This was fun! Some of these blogs are new to me and I'm excited to look further into them (hence the nomination ^_^). I tried to make sure they haven't already been nominated and that they're at least as new as I am to blogging too :3


P.S. I'm still offering free small ads along the side bar on this here blog.  Why, you may ask? I get to find new blogs, someone gets a little exposure; win win!


  1. Thank you so much Ave! This is so exciting!

  2. Thanks SO much for the nomination dear!!!

    1. No problemoo, happy to have come across your blog!

  3. Thank you Ave! That is so sweet of you! I'm a new follower now. Love getting connecting with other great blogs: )

    1. you're very welcome and thanks so much and me too! :D

    2. Here is my follow up post, by the way!

  4. That was so sweet of you!! I've never been nominated for anything so I'm excited to check out this award and see what it's all about. Thanks :D

    I used to be against all dark liquid soda pops. But now I'm actually in love with Coke. It's the only pop I'll drink now. Have no idea how that changed! haha

    1. Wahooo!! Glad to nominate you :D and your use of the term pop made me giggle, as trivial as it is. Ahhhhh america's many lingos!


I really appreciate all the comments you lovelies leave for me. I read each and every one of them and every time I get a new comment it really makes my day <3 Thank you so much!