
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Alt Groove 2.27.13

This show was dedicated to Black History Month. I have my own person qualms with the idea of highlighting topics each month, but it's more pros than cons methinks. I went over this list of super awesome women in black history and little known facts about them. My personal favorite is Condoleezza Rice.


  • The new advertising fad is to bring famous people back from the dead. I personally think this is a bit degrading to their legend. Having Audry Hepburn in your ad is great n' all, but is it really necessary?
  • Man reunites with his dog from ten years ago. Such a feel good story!
  • Super exciting news for the LGBT community and equality supporters! Over 75 republicans are now supporting same sex marriage! Who cares why they've flip flopped on the issue, it's a step in the right direction.
  • Climate change is among us, what will a hotter summer mean?


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