
Friday, August 1, 2014

BEDA Challenge: Welcome Back!

I have a terrible habit of running myself to the ground. I become too busy, spread too thin, and as I'm sure many you fellow bloggers know, the blog tends to be what suffers. I love this blog and I've thought about it multiple times a day, every day. I'll think to myself, "what can I write about after not posting in so long?" "Should I go back and post things I was planning to after a long time?" "I should just stop hiding" "BUT IT'S BEEN SO LONG"

These thoughts just go round and round and round but really, I shouldn't keep holding myself to some standard or pressuring myself to be some amazing perfect blogger. I realize every blogger has a post like this and readers around the globe are like "ugh another haitus post." But there's something therapeutic about posting it.

I've decided to return to blogging by blogging every day in August to get myself back into the habit. It'll be a challenge and probably more personal rambling than anything, but I am so looking forward to it.

So what have I been up to?

  1. I started locs in October of last year! they looked pretty good until...
  2. I took out my locs! they were pretty much almost mature, but my scalp was suffering and I'll talk about this more in another post. I still have like 20 something more locs to comb out too >_>
  3. I graduated college! and my degree came in the mail sooner than expected. yay! 
  4. We set a date for the wedding and that has commenced the planning :O
  5. My senior show was pretty awesome, the pictures of the exhibition are on my Facebook.
  6. I made it into my first nationally juried art show and I couldn't be happier about it.
  7. I've been driving an art bus for my summer/second job that I cannot wait to end. The kids are wonderful but 6 days a week is not easy.
  8. NCECA was rad, as usual. Milwaukee was pretty dope.
  9. Grad school is a definite next step assuming I get in; I'm looking at fall of 2015 to start towards an MFA in ceramics.
  10. In the mean time I'll be working as a studio assistant at my university (yay studio access!)
  11. I cannot wait to throw again
  12. I'm also in the process of moving! So exciting! So much stuff! I'm definitely going to be getting rid of a bunch of things
  13. Did I mention I cannot wait to throw again?
  14. I've been trying to eat better. The more I read about our food supply in the states, the more I know how crucial it is to pay attention to what goes in our bodies.
  15. I've also taken a women's studies class that totally opened my eyes even wider to the importance of feminism. 
  16. I got new glasses!! I've had those cateye ray bans for almost 4 years. It was a scary process since I realized they were a bit of a security blanket.

I'll stop there because I really like the number 16, and I think that just about covers all the important stuff. Fore those of you who have stuck around after supporting my blog in the past, I thank you so much! I'm not sure which way I want to go with this blog, but I'm happy to be back.

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I really appreciate all the comments you lovelies leave for me. I read each and every one of them and every time I get a new comment it really makes my day <3 Thank you so much!