Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A New Love

Last week I had the privilege of seeing Lady Gaga perform in Atlantic City....and again for her first performance ever in Madison Square Garden. I can honestly say everything I previously thought or felt about her has been amplified to an almost unhealthy extreme.

To put in perspective the situation I found myself in, let me explain how this all went down. Thursday night I got a text from a superfan reading something along the lines of "text me back ASAP." Of course I think the worse and assume someone just went though a horrific breakup or someone's aunt died--needless to say I was glad to know it was about tickets to see Gaga. Mind you prior to this, I wasn't a HUGE fan, but I loved all of her music and her insane style. After picking a day and freaking out about what to wear, before I knew it we were on a four hour drive to the Monster Ball.

You could tell we were nearing closer to the venue by the outfits of all the little monsters. We did turn some heads, me with my red lace crown and him with his badass gagafied leather vest. We even got a few pictures out of the whole ordeal. The vibe surrounding the place was just incredible.

The opening act was Semi-Precious Weapons. Semi. Precious. Weapons. Let me tell you, no man can work a smokey eye and leggings like Justin Tranter. AND HIS BOOTS. Gorgeous. Check it. Their performance was explosive, addictive, and probably one of the best opening acts I'm glad I didn't miss.

On to Lady. Fucking. GA GA.

Her performance was absolutely flawless. Even the breaks for stage and outfit changes were entertaining. I (along with many others, I'm sure) felt them necessary to take a moment to geek out about what just happened. She has a way of luring you into a world of freedom. She "locks the freaks outside" so you can be whoever (or whatever, in Posh's case) you want to be. It may sound fake, it may be scripted, but I loved every moment of it and I'd be lying if I said I truly didn't believe her. For two hours you get to let go of any inhibitions or insecurities and fall in love with Gaga.

In case some of you haven't caught it, the whole concert was simulating the Wizard of Oz; instead of seeing Oz, She was off to the Monster Ball. Some of the obvious references were her outfits for the Scarecrow, the Tinman, and the Lion. The scripts to further convey this idea were incredibly cheesy, but completely necessary to absorb you into the whole experience, so I didn't mind. I just hope everyone else realized that's not how she really talks.

My favorite outfit by far was the "Living Dress" that she wore when she sang "So Happy I Could Die" I would describe it as a futuristic fairy princess dress, between the white sparkly ruffles and the fact that it moves. It effing MOVES. I'm already sketching a design for a dress similar to it for the next Monster Ball I attend.

Everyone has asked me what my favorite part was and it's still too hard to choose (cliche I know). But one of the most cherished moments was hearing her perform "You and I" live; particularly the time she performed it in Madison Square Garden. My friend and I were ecstatic to hear her announce that it will be on the next album!

I previously mentioned how the concert in Atlantic City was a last minute decision. It was clearly the best way to spend the 4th of July at such a short notice. However, late Tuesday morning I was still deep in post-concert depression. The same superfan IMs me to inform me that night would be her first performance ever in Madison Square Garden. I almost declined.


This seemed like the best and only way to cure post-concert depression. Had I opted out, it would probably have been the worst mistake of the year. I bought tickets hours before the show, and we ended up in the last section on the highest row-almost behind the stage-but it was beyond incredible. In fact, it was pretty special to see what goes on behind the curtain and to see her first before she goes out to center stage. Besides, we already knew what was going to happen.

1st Performance at Madsion Square Garden > 4th of July in Atlantic City. A jillion times over.

The difference between the two concerts could not be recognized by normal people. Every song, dance, and costume were the same. The only way I could describe it is the energy was just SO much more intense. I was in such disbelief that I couldn't even stand for Semi-Precious Weapons. I just wanted Gaga.

After witnessing two mind-blowing performances, I have fallen completely in love with Lady Gaga. She has such a pure, genuine love for her little monsters; it's easy to see why she's the most "liked" person on facebook. There's no way I can explain with words what these two experiences have done to me. All I can say is go to a Monster Ball and maybe you'd understand.

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