
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Makin' the Move!

As I perused the interweb this morning, I checked out a couple of blogs, posts, DIY thangs, etc etc...and i came to a realization. I'm jealous of how other people's blogs look! I'm talking about the semi pros out there, which is something I hope to be. After much investigation I decided to try out Blogger once more. I was previously using Weebly, but I started to blog much more often and Weebly is primarily for starting websites, not blogs.

So over the next few days I'll be making the switch. As you can see I already started importing some older posts from blogs past (i only took a couple of posts from my previous blogger blog, then deleted it.) I'm not sure If I'll be transferring all of the post from Weebly, or if I'll make this my primary site, or a combination of the two; only time will tell!

I gotta be honest though, these different fonts from different blogs thing is killin' me!

ps. the kid behind me has a naruto badge on his hat, whaaat?

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