
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Alt Groove 4.4.12 recap! - Mike Nice

P L A Y L I S T :
  • "Two Weeks" by Grizzly Bears
  • "Damn" by Dom
  • "Harder Better Faster Stronger" by Daft Punk
  • "Shake a fist" by Hot Chip
  • "Soul Meets Body" by Death Cab for Cutie
  • "Something is not Right With Me" by Cold War Kids
  • "Crown on the Ground" by Sleigh Bells
  • "Bangers and Mash" by Radiohead
  • "Junior Kick Start" by The GO! Team

Mike Nice is a talk show host of his very own show, Mike Nice Talk of the Talk. He has had a variety of guests ranging from the governor, to student athletes, to Nobel Peace Prize winners. He's very active in the community and connects his audience with other individuals in the community. He got his start during his senior year of high school and has been driven ever since he was a kid to make it as a talk show host. How many people can say they've had their own show since high school?

I got the chance to talk with him about how he got his start, how he runs his show, and some fun facts about the man himself. Mike is a truly diverse and open minded individual. He's making his dreams a reality. I think that's what I love about him the most.

His show airs (for the locals) on channel 27 CTV, in New Haven, West Haven, and Hamden. But of course everyone can check out clips of his show

He originally approached me as I was ending my show a couple of weeks ago to ask if he could be on my show and this really was a great experience as my first guest on air. I'm sure you'll hear him on my show again in the future!

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