
Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 Resolutions!

I stink at new year's resolutions! I think it's because it's usually a list of things that I know I should be doing rather than things I want to do. Also, followthrough isn't my strongest feature, I'll admit. This blog has certainly helped with that though! Something about having it in writing really helps. By the end of 2013, I hope to look back on this list having done most if not all of the items. Lets get to it:

  • Be in more craft shows - I've accomplished my goal of being in two craft shows by 2012, so for 2013 I'm thinking at least 3 or 4. 
  • Eat less processed food - I'd be kidding myself if I think I could cut it out completely, but I'm pretty sure heavily processed food isn't so great for me. There's two books I heard about through  Faith Middleton's Food Schmooze on NPR: The Science of Skinny and Buy the Butter Make the Bread. I've already been heading in this direction but I want to make it a conscious effort. (and get these books, too!)
  • Fix my sleep schedule - I sleep way too much. When I was taking better care of myself (i.e. working out, eating better) It was so much easier to wake up at a decent time. Once I dropped those habits I started staying up till 2 and waking up as late as possible and I just feel awful. I'm also late for things like work and school. yikes!
  • Wear makeup more often - when I fix my sleep schedule I'll be able to have time for this! I love wearing it and I have more than enough to use up. 
  • Do yoga - I love yoga and I wish I had enough money to go to classes, but I don't. I've been going to free classes provided by my other school, but the school I'm at now has no such thing :(. Now that I have my own space I think I can find a way to do it alone comfortably. 
  • Find a wedding venue - It's been a year of engagement with not a single thing planned for a wedding. We're not in a rush, but before I can plan anything else I feel like I need to find the venue.
These six are the gems I know I can and want to commit to. If I can keep these ones too, it'd be like a little added bonus. woop woop!
  • Post here at least twice a week consistently. 
  • build a professional website for my art.
  • Come up with a series/ theme for my senior show.
  • Vlog more often.
  • Use the treadmill.
  • Finish the hat I started.
  • Walk Moose more often.
  • Go hiking at least twice.
  • be more active in the blogging networks and etsy
That's it for me! I think 2013 is going to be a good year.  I wish you all a happy and healthy new year! I hope 2013 brings you many blessings. 

TTFN! <3
- Avé

Sunday, December 23, 2012

VIDEO: Throwback Hairstyle!

I have no idea what possessed my mom to want to do this, but she really wanted to so I let her. I think it was nostalgic for the both of us.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tune in: "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" by Pomplamoose Feat. Wade Johnston

  • Not on an album (to my knowledge)
  • Genre: Jazz fusion, indie rock
  • Released: December 2008
  • First Listen: December 2008
  • Found out through: Youtubing covers of random songs
  • Listen to this while you're: wrapping presents!
I've been following Pomplamoose for quite some time now and since 'tis the season, I'm going to showcase one of their best christmas songs. Natalie and Jack already have an awesome blend of talents and to add Wade for this track = success. Their harmonies really give me the willies throughout this song and I love the modern take with the instrumentation. I especially enjoy the accordion (and Jack's facial expressions when he plays it). I highly encourage you to check out their Christmas album!


P.S. It's been a while since I posted one of these, yeah? I took my last final today *HOOrahh*

Friday, December 14, 2012

Ugly Christmas Sweater DIY

I've noticed lots of sites have been popping up to supply the perfect "ugly christmas sweater" which I feel takes away all the joy from finding these in thrift stores; not to mention, who wants to pay $30 for an ugly sweater? What really makes them great is that they were originally designed without the intention of being ugly, and they've eventually retired to thrift stores across the nation once their owners have realized their fashion disaster.

I went with Zack last night to find sweaters for the party tomorrow night. We found the most hideous amazing sweater vest for him, but nothing quite right for me. So I decided to make my own. I snagged the green sweater for $4, and spent another $2 at the dollar store for the creepy santa ornament and the gold garland. $6 and an hour later BOOM! My masterpiece.


  • Sweater
  • Sewable ornament(s) that's flat on one side
  • Garland
  • Pompoms
  • Yarn
  • Needle and thread
  • Scissors
I would NOT suggest glue. Not even liquid stitch, given the nature of sweaters it'd probably give you more hassle than convenience. I'm not so great with a needle and thread but it doesn't have to be perfect. The hat on the santa made it super easy to work with, so I suggest a bit of cloth on the ornament if you can. I might add some pompoms later  to fill up the sides, but I'm cool with it the way it is.

X = where I tacked things into place with needle and thread


  1. Try on the sweater and pin where the main attraction(s) will go. Take off sweater.
  2. With a needle and thread, tack objects into place.
  3. Be festive.

Are any of you sporting "ugly christmas sweaters this season? I'd love to see! Link it up in the comments below :)


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Versatile Blogger Award!

Hey hi hello! Earlier this semester I was nominated by Sue from Chevron & Lace for the versatile blogger award! This is my first time getting an award and I'm so very grateful. Thanks so much Sue! She's a wonderful seamstress specializing in crib sets, so if there's any new mamas out there I highly suggest you check out her etsy!

So here's the rules...

1. Nominate up to 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging.
2. Let the nominated bloggers know that they have been nominated for this award.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4. Thank the blogger who has nominated you.
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your post.

Seven Random Facts about myself

1. I just got my first pedicure yesterday and have yet to get a manicure.
2. I really don't enjoy drawing. Not the best thing for an art major
3. My favorite pizza is spinach pizza!
4. I'm very much left handed.
5. The only thing that ever plays in my car is NPR and I love it.
6. I prefer Coke over Pepsi but I don't drink soda often.
7. I'm not the greatest at conversation; especially via texting.

And the Nominees! *drumroll*

This was fun! Some of these blogs are new to me and I'm excited to look further into them (hence the nomination ^_^). I tried to make sure they haven't already been nominated and that they're at least as new as I am to blogging too :3


P.S. I'm still offering free small ads along the side bar on this here blog.  Why, you may ask? I get to find new blogs, someone gets a little exposure; win win!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


HEY GUESS WHO'S IN THE SPIRIT?! I am! Finally! I took my hardest final today and I'm finally relieved of a ton of work. Not that finals are over, but I can officially relax. And this particular show went smashing; probably my best show to date.

Not a typical show I should add. I went over this list of top 5 things NOT to do in NYC, and some nifty gift ideas, some from this site here and some I've either done or want to do. Here's the list!

  • Secret compartment book - This is super inexpensive and great for anyone! I actually made a tutorial a while ago for this too.
  • Themed gift basket - It can really make a gift fun, give you direction, and if you're on a budget it could be within your price range!
  • Date Jar - purchase gift certificates, gift cards, and/or write down some "freebies" like go for a hike and put them in a jar with a pretty ribbon. So next time your boo asks "What do you want to do tonight?" BOOM decided.
  • From-Scratch cookies in a jar (dry ingredients) - I did this a couple of years ago and it was a really yummy idea, especially for some one who enjoys really good cookies but isn't so great at baking.
  • Memory Jar - This one requires some planning, but it seems worth it. Gather photos and/or little stories from as many people as you can for lets say grandma. So everyone who knew granny submits something to you, you print out the memories on small cards and if you have 365 memories, you'll have one for every day for granny to cherish.
  • Gift hotsauces! there's so many different types! anyone who likes it spicy would love this, and they average around $4 a bottle.
  • Tea cup candles - Nice DIY, I'm not sure if it makes a cool christmas gift, but I can dig it.
  • Experiences are always more fun than objects, in my opinion. Concert tickets, a cooking class, and a hot air balloon ride were some of the things the blog post mentioned that I'd be into.


I'm really proud of this play list! I did cut a few songs so maybe later I'll have this playlist in it's entirety up on spotify for all to listen? We'll see.

For now, you can listen to this episode in it's entirety on my Spreaker account!

Merry Christmas!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Listen to Alt Groove any time you want!

I've found a site to host podcasts of my show :O) You can now listen to the episodes any time you want. You can click this cat on the side bar to head over to my spreaker page. Spreaker gives you so many ways to listen too! *EXCITEMENT*

Also, Bulbasaur ads on my blog are free. woop woop!


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Centerpiece DIY

Super quick and easy DIY to add a final touch to your thanksgiving decor. Most if not all of the stuff you might already have!


  • twigs
  • leaves
  • pine
  • ribbon
  • optional: gold spray paint


  1. gather all the nature you'd want to include into your centerpiece. I wanted to make sure I had all of the colors of fall!
  2. depending on the size of the table, brake the twigs to the size you'd want. I ended up using a total of about a dozen twigs and kept them around two to 3 feet in length.
  3. If you're using spray paint, split the amount of twigs in half and give them a nice coat of spray paint. Wait a couple minutes, flip 'em over and spray the other side.
  4. After your golden twigs dry, layer the twigs into a bunch, alternating between gold and brown. 
  5. Using about three feet of ribbon, wrap it around the bunch twice, and tie a pretty bow
  6. using the leaves and the pine, stick them all throughout the leaves until you are pleased!

As you can see, this would look fine with just the twigs, or just twigs and pine; especially for a christmas centerpiece. This idea is totally customizable and didn't cost me a dime! If you found some pinecones, you can spray paint them gold and use them as place settings for a little something extra :3

Hope you like this little DIY! let me know if you've tried this or had a centerpiece DIY of your own!


P.S. - Dont let your dog chew up the material

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 19, 2012

TOTORO Cupcakes! // Snickerdoodle recipe

As you may or may not know, I love to bake. Mostly cookies, but these cupcakes were the bombdiggity so I had to share! I've debated whether or not adding a food component to this blog and decided what the heck, it's bound to happen sooner or later.

For my Asian art history class, we had a project in which we had to pick something artistic and Japanese and do a presentation on it. I chose to do the film My Neighbor Totoro, focusing on O Totoro because he's just so loveable (and my professor's favorite *brownie points*). Since he is the inspiration for many culinary artists, I baked cupcakes to go along with my slide show. The presentation went great!


  • 1 box of vanilla cake, and all it requires
  • cinnamon ~ approx. 1tbsp
  • nutmeg ~ approx 1 tsp
  • cloves and/or allspice ~ approx 1 tsp
  • optional: pumpkin or apple pie spice
  • 1 tsp of almond extract
  • for frosting: cream cheese, butter, confectioner's sugar, vanilla extract 
  • chocolate frosting ~ approx 2 tbsp
  • plastic baggies
  • food coloring


Follow the directions on the box for the cake. Add the almond extract and the seasonings while mixing to taste. I understand that snickerdoodle is a fancy way to say with cinnamon, but that's boring by itself! So i always accompany cinnamon with nutmeg and cloves (allspice if I don't have cloves). Cloves really brings the taste of fall. To be honest I'm not entirely sure just how much of each spice I put in, but the ratio is about right (3 parts cinnamon, 1 part each of every other spice) I tasted the batter (alot) as I went along. The almond extract is a great undertone to round out these flavors *yum.*

I used this recipe from for the cream cheese frosting. It's super great as is but a bit too tangy for this cupcake, so I added an extra half cup of the confectioner's sugar. I also halved this recipe which was just enough for 20 cupcakes/1 box of cake.

  1. Assuming you mixed the frosting in a bowl, put half of the frosting in a baggie and set it aside.
  2. For the frosting left in the bowl, add one drop of red, blue, and yellow each to achieve the grey depicted (i wish I made it darker, so maybe two drops each next time)
  3. place that batch in a baggie. Get the chocolate frosting in a baggie too.
  4. In the white and grey baggie, snip a larger corner to squeeze out of. For the chocolate baggie, snip a tiny corner (for the detail :3)
  5. Start with the bellies. You want a semicircle that goes a little more than half way up the cupcake.
  6. fill the rest of the space with grey.
  7. Add the whites of the eyes!
  8. with chocolate, add nose, pupils, whiskers, and the iconic arrows on the belly that make it Totoro.
  9. ENJOY!

This was a super fun cupcake to make (and eat). If you don't want to go with Totoro for the cupcakes, I'd suggest the cream cheese frosting with a simple chocolate design like a swirl; the bit of chocolate with all the other flavors was perfect! I was glad I got to experience and research a bit of the magic that is Totoro :) I'll be sure to watch some more Miyazaki films over winter break!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

OOTN: For his Birthday!

A couple of months ago I treated Zack to a Jim Hall Concert in NYC at Birdland for his birthday. It was loads of fun! I haven't listened to jazz in a while since I've been on this kpop jpop cpop (Korean, Japanese, and Chinese) kick. Jim Hall is a wonderful guitarist and a funny old man.

When I go to the city I try to avoid heels because it usually means lots of walking whether we take the train or drive in. The parking garage was pretty close to the venue so I decided to risk it and wear heels. I survived! Since this was a jazz club, I wanted to look mature but not old. I think I managed ok! The top is feminine and timeless, but the accessories and hair I think made it more me even if I'm a crocheting old lady who enjoys tea and an early bed time on the inside.

D E T A I L S :

  • Pink top: Talbots
  • Skinnies: Kohl's
  • Heels: probably Payless; they're really old!
  • Sparrow earrings: Target
  • Chain earrings: Charlotte Russe


  • Urban Decay's Dangerous palette - Mildew, Virgin, Oil Slick
  • Urban Decay's Primer Potion
  • Urban Decay's 24/7 Eye Pencil - Oil Slick
  • Ulta's Lash Blow Out Mascara
  • Revlon's ColorStay liquid foundation
  • Hard Candy's Hide & Glow cheek tint - pillow talk (316)

I really have to do this hairstyle again! It was relatively easy, and my first updo. When I do this style again I'll be sure to make a video/blog post :3 This style lasted a couple of days and I even got a few compliments *brush dem shouldas*

TTFN! <3

P.S. You can use code TENBLOG through December 23rd at to get 10% off! It can be used to stack savings with one other department level code as well. Hot stuff!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Alt Groove 11.14.12

IT'S BEEN SO LONG I MISS DOING MY SHOW ;~; Super storm Sandy came by the week of Halloween, then it was the freak nor'easter last wednesday, so here I am two weeks later with a shortened show because I have to do homework ughh what is that.

T O P I C S :

  • A Cleveland judge sentenced a woman to hold a sign that reads "Only an idiot would drive on the sidewalk to avoid a school bus" for ~you guessed it~ driving on the sidewalk to avoid a school bus. 
  • Cursive is on it's way out from school curriculums--say it ain't so! Three states already gave it the boot. Is this a no no? Or is cursive becoming too archaic?
  • There's a petition that's gaining traction to get Macy's to dump Donald Trump. I think this would be a good move. No one likes him and he's a meanie (among other things, like sexist, racist, and in denial). What do you think?
  • The WSIN webpage is now a blogging tumblr with posts about show times, artists we support, events we're doing...stuff like that. So excited! have a tumblr? go follow! Also, if you click the listen button on the sidebar, not only can you creep on the DJ during the show, but you can comment in the chat box on the side! as long as you're logged into your facebook you can chat away.
M U S I C:

Next week the campus is closed for thanksgiving break so I will not be having my show. HOWEVER I'll be using that time to upload some past shows onto! You'll be able to download podcasts via itunes or just listen on spreaker, so that's exciting.

Till next time cool cats,

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Humble Beginnings

Today I participated in my second ever craft fair, and I really enjoyed it! Even though it was a church basement and I made a total of $10, I can definitely see me doing bigger and better events in the future. It sounds outrageous to sit for five and a half hours and only make a couple of bucks, but I'm really in it for the experience at this point (and I didn't have much to sell as it is). It's so much more gratifying to sell my work, things I've made, versus a retail hourly job *ho hum*

For this fair and the last one I did I had the support and company of some awesome ladies from the Student Arts League on campus. Our work combined made for an wicked cool display. I had my little corner of stuff in the basket and some hand building stuff, one friend brought her pottery, one friend had his ceramic planters, and one friend had beautiful watercolors scattered about. What's funny is that it's much easier to talk up my friend's work to customers than it is to talk about my own. We all feel this way so we're glad we're all there together to help each other out. Go team!

We plan on doing more and getting progressively better with each craft fair adventure. I already have a list of what can I do better? going on in my head. Baby steps, ya'll. I can't wait for the next one!


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Durham Fair!

Long ago before school smacked me in the face, I went to the Durham fair with my friend Danisha! Neither of us have ever been but it's one of the biggest fairs in Connecticut so we had to check it out. Best decision! Tons of animals, vendors, and yummy things to try. OH YEAH and LOTS of pumpkins.

1st place for painted pumpkins!

1st place pumpkin!

1st place for watermelon! My brothers would have loved this.
 Danisha and I bonded with this particular llama in the petting zoo. He was pretty rad! We also made friends with a camel named Polly. At one point I had taken her picture to post on instagram (of course) and as I was adding the caption looking at my phone, Polly comes within inches of my face and my phone like "hey, whatcha doin' there?" It shocked me but it was pretty funny!

The pumpkins weren't the only compositions going on. They had needle work, paintings, knitting, and all sorts of arts and crafts to be judged. However, my favorite would have to be the tractor pull. These tractors were pimped out painted like monster trucks :O) The task was to pull a truck as far as they can. This one here is doing a pop-a-wheelie.

Of all the food we devoured, the one I absolutely must mention is the deep fried cheesecake. I cannot express how heavenly this was! probably terrible for me but with each bite, the calorie count mattered less and less. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was a bit like fried ice cream. The cheesecake was still cold and pretty solid, while the crust on the outside was light, warm, and delectable. The chocolate drizzle sent my taste buds over the top.

Lastly, I should probably mention how much I love llamas. I don't really have a reason other than I think they're awesome. At the fair, there was several buildings and one was dedicated to just llamas. Each farm had their own little section to show off their llamas. SO MANY LLAMAS

So glad I got the chance to go this year! There was so much there that I could do (and eat) it all, so I definitely can't wait till next year.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Art Major Major Decision

latest thing from my drawing class

October has been an super uber busy month for me. Midterms, curating the gallery space on campus, work for WSIN, bakesales, portfolio review, critiques, homework, sinfest, dragball, etc... This semester seemed to start off late so literally everything is playing catch up this month--so am I! I have a couple of blog posts that have been waiting to be typed since September :X.

All that has nothing really to do with what I wanted to talk about, which is my decision to drop the Media Studies major. No more double major. Just an Art major. *inhale, exhale* My entire college career has revolved around art. I've been too nervous to pursue this alone because of how risky it can be. Here's a list of all the switches I've made since Fall semester 2008:

  • graphic design
  • art and psychology
  • art and nursing
  • art psychology
  • art education
  • art and media studies
  • art (concentration in ceramics)
Crazy right? I haven't been confident enough until recently that I can do something with this degree. It'll  take a lot of hard work, but it will be so worth it. I kept thinking about my future and there was no place  for the Media Studies degree. My goal is essentially to have my own studio, work on my stuff, and sell my stuff--oh and blog along the way ;). This new found confidence came after helping out with the Post-it show (which was awesome by the way). I got to decide what art goes in the show, the layout of the gallery, and the placement of the work. It was one of the most satisfying things I've ever done. I'd love to curate another show; I'll probably add own and/or work for a gallery to my list of goals. That plus how much more seriously I'm taking my work really helped me make my decision. Also, I have the absolute most supportive fiancé ever, and he believes in me *awwww*

TTFN! - Avé

Monday, October 15, 2012

Alt Groove 10.10.12

T O P I C S :

  • My take on the debate from last week: NPR and PBS mean way too much to me for Romney to take any funding away from them. I sorta stopped paying attention to anything else after he said that bit. Besides, that would be like a raindrop in a garbage can in comparison to the national debt. So I played a techno remix of Sesame Street in honor of PBS and NPR.
  • Some genius kid decided it'd be a great idea to lick a handrail in an NYC subway FOR A DOLLAR. blegh. 
  • A woman was caught riding a manatee, and then decided to turn herself in. I can't help but find this funny.
  • NPR's Collin McEnroe was talking about african american hair on his show. I wanted so badly to email him but then I forgot. He brought up a very interesting point: If Michelle Obama and her daughters had natural hair or dreadlocks, would the country still have elected Barack Obama into office?
M U S I C :

- Avé

P.S. I'm driving myself crazy curating the Post-It show for the gallery space at my school. Regulary timed posts will resume soon, I promise!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

School Show and Tell

I'm on campus at least 12 hours a day, four days a week, so naturally I should blog about it! I'm only ever in one of two places: the ceramics studio or at the radio station. My classes are Drawing I, Ceramic Sculpture II, Chinese III, Media Research, and History of Art in Eastern Asia. I can't believe I'm all ready about half way through the semester! For some classes, I'm glad because I can't wait for them to be over I really don't like to draw.

My stuff is in the middle. Still lives, paper and light studies.

My second project for sculpture is a llama. Not done though!

My first project is a statement on social media usage. It went through the kiln yesterday and now it's waiting to be glazed.

The station front desk. AKA: where I spend a ton of time.

Here's where I do my shows :D

School's keeping me busy but I have a couple of blog posts that I really want to finish up! Hopefully soon.
